Thursday, December 16, 2004

Pedro Ridin' the 7 Train

Dear Mets,

I really hope this all works out for you.

Really. I do.


PS This cost you $53 million?


fairest said...

Just a little more salt on the wound of what will become the annual July 4th sweep of the Bombers out at Shea.

mike said...

I've never seen this picture but now I am convinced that the Mets made the right move. Worth every penny.

Jess said...

Let's hope the Mets make that scraggly beast get a haircut.

s'il vous plait said...

Don't forget, they get the bonus freaky midget too!!
A good luck charm that does the mahow-mahow, Nelson de la Rosa is sure to be a big hit in the Mets locker room!