Sunday, March 27, 2005

Friday Out; Saturday Down

Friday was co-worker Gena's last day (at least in my office) and in her "good-bye" e-mail to all of us suckers who remain, she included a little comment on everybody and I think I'll be using hers for my epitaph (even though some is not 100% accurate) --

Memorable co-worker interchanges:
Bill - telling me I grimace too much, and yelling at me all day, every day -- along with his obsession with fruit, Avril Lavigne, making out and fake vomit

Friday I went out after work for Gena's last day send drink off. I managed to drink enough that I felt like shit all day yesterday. You'd think it was my last day. I think part of my problem was the lack of food in my stomach. All I ate was some sushi for lunch and then some cake a little while later. That doesn't really absorb the beer very well. I spent the day on the couch sweating, fighting off vomit and watching my March Madness bracket continue to embarrass me. I didn't eat anything until 5:30pm, and even then I didn't have much. What happened to the days when I would just get up in the morning and go to work or class or go bike riding or hit the gym? I should not be laid out for 24+ hours just from a bit of overindulgence. Damn you decaying body!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To me, you sound like a tool with a little too much time on your hands.

But, that's just me.


PS -- Taking part in a bit too much of the fine sauce. That doesn't really sound like you, Bill. Especially on a Friday night.