Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Alaska --> Iraq

I'd like to give a shout to former co-worker, neighbor and friend Brian P. aka Tas who is heading from his current land of ice, oil and caribou over to a less friendly land of sand, oil and (insert local animal here). In case you aren't putting the pieces together (which I'm sure you're not), that means from Alaska to Iraq.

Yup, Brian is going over to try to spread some love and democracy around the Middle East while keeping his eyes peeled for any bad guys.

I have definitely question this whole war issue from time to time, but I am also well aware of the crazy fuckers in the U.S. Military risking their lives in an attempt to keep our asses safe and free. I appreciate that.

Tas may be the only person I know that has the balls for such a commitment, and he is definitely the only person I know who will probably enjoy his time over there.

Good luck and keep your head on a swivel over there, Tas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where was he in AK? do you know the city name?